Monday 30 April 2007

bye-bye nz


Anonymous said...

hey mc!!
cool u got a blog. me too.
that photos sad :( sad. i know i hardly ever saw u guys but its gonna be weird not seeing u and not having to share jake with morders ;) hahaaha. have a safe trip guys. love b

debbie said...

Hi MC was thinking of you this morning.have a good and safe trip.The news from work is that Rochelle is engaged and has a beatutiful 1.2 carat diamond ring and is very yet no replacement for you but are enjoying ahving Diana here.have fun.Debbie

Unknown said...

hey guys, how exciting that you're practically on your way. we may even keep in touch better with your blog, i should get one but uni always seems to take so much of my time.

JMM said...

Seen your blog. Nice pix & writing. Consider a future career as an author? I deserve a prize for getting so far with computer. Looks like you're enjoying yourselves. Hope mc didn't get too frightened off by the monkeys & snakes. Love, J

simon said...

Hi guys. Very impressive. But you have to keep it up. If I can sweat blood to actually get on to your blog then you can do the easy work and keep me entertained! love dad.