Friday 25 May 2007

It's all Greek to me

Hello from Santorini, Greek Islands! We spent our first night here last night and before that were on another island (Naxos) for two nights. Enjoyed our short stay in London (big thanks to Jake and Ally for being such good hosts!), was great to catch up with some friends as well.

We went to the London Dungeon with Jake and Ally. Was lots of fun and have got an awesome photo of us all on the ride at the end. The facials are hilarious (especially John and Jake's). Above is John being "tortured" by a medieval um, torturer.
Me, Ally and Hannah and our blue cocktails. Out for dinner in London at a Mexican restaurant.
John and the view of London Bridge from the Tower of London.
We enjoyed the Tower of London and it was also surprisingly a beautiful day to be wandering round seeing the sights. Later in the day we went to the Borough Markets (yummy yummy food).
Welcome to Athens! I didn't have many expectations for Athens as most of what I'd read told me it was a bit of a dump but it turned out to be quite charming. We were staying on the street pictured above in Plaka (the oldest area of Athens). Cobbled pathways and heaps of outdoor dining at the tavernas lining the street. Also lots of cool jewellery shops (which John was dutifully dragged around).
This is us on the Acropolis. We are sitting in front of the Parthenon but for some reason the lady taking the picture zoomed in so it's just us in front of a pile of old marble...
There's the Parthenon (on top of the Acropolis).
John being a poser below the Acropolis.

MC in front of a well-preserved temple in the Ancient Agora (market-place) in Athens.
And the Theatre of Dionysis, just below the Acropolis.
The Temple of Zeus. It used to be really big but only a few columns remain.
The view of Athens from the Acropolis. Below is us out for dinner in Plaka. Have eaten lots of greek salads, souvlakis and moussaka.
Onto Naxos now. We hired a scooter (affectionately known as Stalky, cos the model was a "Stalker"). We had great fun riding round the island on him.
One of the beaches in Naxos.
John and Stalky.
Naxos was very pretty. You can easily get lost amongst the winding, narrow cobbled footpaths. All the buildings are white-washed with blue doors and shutters and they all have pink and red flowers growing in window boxes and terracotta pots.

The sunset on Naxos.
We met three cute, very affectionate puppies on one of the bays in Naxos.
A huge carving of a Greek god. Below is me sunbathing on the smooth rocks in the settlement of Apollon in Naxos.
And the view of Santorini from our ferry.


JMM said...

Good to see you're wining & dining well. Obviously the money's holding out. All those places look so interesting. You are both so lucky to be able to see them all. Make the most of it. I'm faithfully following your progress.

Anonymous said...

Greece looked nice

Anonymous said...

hello. you be careful

Joan and Ken said...

Mum said somebody is "taking my name in vain!" Anyway trip sounds great so far. Daisy's well but had a few spats with bubbles. All the houses looked like snow on Santorini.

scottandhannah said...

hi guys, looks great, can't wait to see greece one day. made a nice stir fry with the meat you left in our fridge ha ha. we owe you another bbq when you get back to london. you're missing a fantastic bank holiday weekend if you like wet windy weather! keep up the blogging, look forward to the next instalment.

Anonymous said...

wow. i think i better travel. it all looks amazing. i want my own stalky. how fun! this is the best way to find out about diff countries...get the quick updates with all the important photos. hahaa. its awesome. keep it up. stay away from those grecians. just wanted to use the word grecian really...didnt know where to put it ;) love b xx

Anonymous said...

woah...just read joan and ken's comment...i thought that was snow on mountains too!! gonna have to take a second look at that.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see an update (you are better than jon and jac....) everything looks beautiful!
because mum and dad keep updating you about daisy i thought i would update you about the car: it is still in the same place you parked it in, has no insurance and is soon over due for its registration (due on mums birthday)...
How are you celebrating your bday? i hope the underwear is treating you good;)
And jonathan... stop "taking joans name in vain"

marie-claire and john said...

nad! what's happening with the lessons??? it's naughty to take joans name in vain jonathan. hope daisy is winning all the spats. leaving rome today, will try and update blog soon!

Joan and Ken said...

Hi Guys
Hope you got to see Benedikt in Rome. We were looking out for you in the crowd when he was meeting the parents of Madeleine!
Daisy hasn't exactly won the spats, but she's not losing them either. Bubbles just tries to hole her up in a corner sort of thing. All the best for your Birthday MC. Have a nice wine in Florence!
Lots of Love

simon said...

One day....
love dad