Wednesday 22 October 2008

Lonely in London...

Well I'm not really lonely yet, John's only been gone for one day and I have lots of lovely friends here determined to keep me from turning into a hermit while he's away! So John has gone back to NZ (with a 2-week stopover in Malaysia to see the rellies again) to (hopefully) get a new visa sorted out. He'll be in NZ till late January, all going well with the visa. Here's a few pics from John's last few weeks in London (he also went to Brussels for a few days to stay with Damien but didn't take any photos!).

John's leaving dinner: Ally, Jake, Callum, Jeff, Louise, Mitch, Kelly and Henry.
Halloween party at Gemma's.
John and Kelly.
MC and Kelly.
The angel and the devil.
Freaky Mitch.
Devil and angel again.
John and Kelly.
Skanky angel and Gemma's leg.
Gemma and Kelly.
John the devil.
Oasis concert - Liam and Noel.
Oasis concert - Noel.
Oasis concert @ Roundhouse in Camden.
Huia's birthday at Vinopolis wine tasting: Huia, MC, Naj, Kelly, Liz's mum and Liz.
John's MFI workmates.
MC on the Millennium Bridge, with St Pauls in the background.
The Globe theatre.
MC on the Millennium Bridge with St Pauls in the background.
Casa Blue, cool bar on Brick Lane.
Fishbowls at Casa Blue.
More fishies.
Liz and Huia at Vinopolis.

So that's the haps from the last few weeks. It's starting to get pretty cold here now and even snowed one night last week! I have a few things to look forward to while John is lapping up the NZ sun - going back to Disneyland Paris next weekend with Kelly, Mitch and Gemma and then only a few weeks till Mum and Dad arrive and 3 weeks off work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that was quick. I've only just left!