Tuesday 14 July 2009

New Zealand - Chris and Erin's wedding

So after a fantastic time in Langkawi it was on to New Zealand! After arriving in Christchurch we spent two nights in Ashburton and then drove up to Nelson for Chris and Erin's wedding. It was lovely to be back in sunny Nelson after a couple of years away and everyone had a great time at the wedding. John then headed to Queenstown for the rest of the week and managed to fit in some skiing and boarding, while MC had a relaxing time at home in Ashburton.

A tui on the deck at John's Dad's place in Queenstown.
On the drive from Ashburton to Queenstown.
Lots of snow in Tekapo!
Snowy South Island.
The beautiful Southern Alps.
Matt having a good time at the wedding reception.
Just Married!

Cutting the cake.

The bridal table: Matt, John, John, Chris,Erin, Casey and Janelle.

At the church.
The boys (and Lit) all ready to go.
Figuring out the buttonholes.
John looking spiffy.

Chinese tea ceremony before the wedding: Erin, Chris and Poh Poh.
Furry daisy.

Unfortunately our visit home was a flying one due to John's job hunt; it would have been nice to stay a bit longer! But there is good news on that front - today was John's last day of bumdom - he starts work as a business analyst at the Guardian newspaper tomorrow! Woo hoo!

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