Saturday 17 October 2009

Last Bank holiday of 2009 - Bruges

For the last August Bank holiday weekend we (and Henry, Huia, Brad and Rach) caught the Eurostar to Bruges to meet up with Kelly and Mitch on their big van tour round Europe. Thanks to Huia and Rach for these photos!

Hu, Brad, Henry, Mitch and Rach tuck into some waffles.
The crew by the one of the many canals running through picturesque Bruges.
Kel, MC and John enjoying the last of the summer sun in the market square.
Pretty Bruges.

Hmmmm doesn't smell so good - but still lots of beer-drinking to be done!
Kelly, Rach and MC take a beer break.
The infamous Delerium Tremens - or baked bean beer as John likes to call it.
At the pub - with HUNDREDS of beers to choose from!
Personally, I think the chocolate is a lot better than the beer!

Market Square in Bruges.

Mitch and Kelly in their bedroom (aka the van).

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