Tuesday 19 June 2007


Guten Tag aus Berlin! We have spent three nights here and have a bit of time to kill before our night train to Munich leaves tonight. We have both enjoyed Berlin, MC being John's tourguide and John learning lots about Berlin's history.

MC in front of the Reichstag (the German parliament building). You can go inside and climb the dome, we have photos of this later.
The sun setting on the Brandenburg Gate.
MC and the only remaining segment of the Berlin Wall.
The photo in the ground is a memorial to East Berliners who were shot while protesting against Communism in 1953. We happened to be there on June 17 which is the anniversary-date so there were wreathes and all the roses you can see covering the picture.
John in the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. It's quite an evocative place with about 2700 slabs of concrete - all the same width and depth but different heights.
MC at the Memorial. There's a museum underneath which we visited afterwards.
John in front of the Berliner Dom. Big glitzy cathedral.
We had to get some currywurst while in Germany.
John in Potsdamer Platz - the centrepoint of where Berlin was divvied up to the Allies after the war.
MC in the Tiergarten, a big park on the west side of Berlin.
MC and the dome of the Reichstag. There is a view of Parliament sitting underneath the dome which is supposed to be a symbol of the transparency of the new democratic process.
John and one of the views of Berlin from the top of the Reichstag (there's a panorama view up there). You can see the River Spree and one of Berlin's less attractive famous monuments: the TV tower.


Joan and Ken said...

I guess you missed the big football by the Brandenburg Gate MC! If you stayed in the Heart of Gold hostel could you let me know what it was like? That's where we will be with the tour group. Hope you had a good night train trip with a comfortable lie down and not that sit up style you had last time. Careful putting you foot in the Devil's footprint in Munich. We want to see you both again!


Anonymous said...

newsflash: leroy and sala have split. prolly for good this time :) dont know many of the details...going up north v soon so will know more then. your photos are all starting to look the same...says the girl who knows no world history and has never been abroad! :D

marie-claire and john said...

hey from munich,
we didn't stay at that hostel, instead at a wee place called green eggs and ham over the road from where i stayed last year! (by oranienburger str).
we had reclining seats this time and blankies! and the first night-train we had the compartment all to ourselves so we could lie down. much better.
stink for leroy and sala...

Anonymous said...

Nice muscle singlet John! you could give Chuck Norris a roundhouse kick to the head in that.
