Thursday 7 October 2010

New Orleans

A big drive south from Memphis led us into Louisiana where we spent three nights in New Orleans.

Us in Jackson Square in the French Quarter of New Orleans. St Louis Cathedral is in the background.
We went for a walk through the Barataria Preserve south of New Orleans. This area is dense swampland inhabited by lots of scary things (namely alligators, snakes and spiders) and some other not-so-scary things that managed to scare us the most - like squirrels! There is an alligator in the photo above but it's a little hard to see.
Alligator lounging in the mud.
Another alligator.
MC in the swamp.

We also took an airboat ride through the swamp and saw loads more alligators and birds. The following photos are taken from the boat.

It looks like grass but we're still in the swamp gliding through the weeds.

Gators in the water.

Back in the city - the historic French Quarter with its elegant Caribbean-colonial architecture.
Jackson Square in the heart of the French Quarter. This part of the city feels very European.

We have been spoilt with beautiful warm weather in New Orleans, hopefully it follows us all the way to Texas which is the next roadtrip stop.

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